1. Double-click on the Mitel Connect icon on your desktop. If you don’t see it there, find Mitel Connect from the Start menu, or type ‘Mitel’ in the bottom left search box and open the application.

2. You should see this. Click Show advanced

3. Enter your SF Opera email address, ‘changeme’ for your password, 'voips.sfopera.com' for Server, and check the ‘Remember me’ check box before selecting Login:

4. You’ll be prompted to update your password on this screen. Enter your new password twice. Note the password much be considered Strong before you can proceed. Click ‘Save & Login’:

5. After Mitel Connect opens, it’s a good idea to have it open every time you log in to your computer. To do so, click on the Settings gear wheel on the right.

6. Check the ‘Automatically launch Mitel Connect when starting the computer’:

Please follow these instructions to set up Mitel Connect on your computer: https://sfopera.box.com/s/y5jihcq12yomfezzdovjnn9w19nl5rej