Quick Donate can:

  • Automatically login a patron from a wordfly email
  • Set a specific amount in the donation amount field
  • Set a specific source code

To do this you need to build links in Wordfly or the CMS with specific parameters.  Here is an example link to Quick Donate that has all of the elements filled out:


The link starts with the path to the page:


Then you can add a “?” and the following parameters, separated by “&”:

  • pid   - the patron ID
  • pph  - the patron’s primary phone number, with no dashes
  • ppc  - the patron’s primary address, 5 digit zip
  • amt  - suggested amount in whole dollars
  • sourceNumber   - a valid source code

The user will be automatically logged in if the quick donate page has all 3 correct pieces of information: pid, pph and ppc

Links with just source code and amount work, this could be used for anonymous campaigns, examples:




Links and buttons can be created within the CMS using the Remaining Url field: