The Help Desk Knowledge Base is always being updated so please refer back as often as you need. For quick access, save this site as in your internet browser favorites bar. It takes less than 30 seconds!

Add Favorites in Internet Explorer 11:

1. Go to

2. Click on the star icon on the upper right hand corner of the browser.

3. In the panel that appears, click on the down arrow next to 'Add to Favorites'. Then select "Add to the Favorites bar"

4. In your favorites bar, the 'Knowledge base SF Opera' will appear.


Add Favorites in Microsoft Edge:

1. Go to

2. Click on the star icon to the right of the URL. In the panel that appears, click in 'Save In' Favorites and select 'Favorites Bar'. Click 'Add' to save.


3. To access, click on the star menu icon (a partial star with three horizontal lines). In the panel that opens, under the full star icon, you will see the "Knowledge base" under the location you saved it in.